Luz María Charlita

Learn more about the Projects


Luz Maria Charlita is a Venezuelan-born artist and architect currently working in the fields of art, metalwork and jewelry.

The breadth of her artistic production encompasses drawing, sculpture, installation and art in public spaces. Whether large­scale architectural/installation projects or intimately scaled objects, her ethos of production is highly fueled by a lifelong study and appreciation of nature, materials and order.

Having practiced her career successfully both in Venezuela and Spain, Charlita’s architectural background is clearly visible in her understanding of art's relationship to society and her art-making process, always embellished and balanced.

Charlita’s oeuvre is not only greatly influenced by her formal practice, but her passion and training in jewelry design has also defined her aesthetics.

By 2000, her introspection in art led her to a keen interest in metalsmithing; techniques she later adopted and transferred to her metal works and sculptures.

The search for harmony within the technical elements of nature is constantly revisited in her themes. Light and heat are vital elements in her art-making process. Light as color, and heat as the precursor of life, together with her skills in silver, bronze and copper, the transmutations of these crude materials frequently have unintentional and unexpected surprises, because of their intrinsic nature.

Furthermore, we see constant repetitions of the circumference and the reticle in Charlita’s patterns. The circle, known universally for its extensive meaning of totality, wholeness, and the infinite, represents the spiritual and sacred in nature. The square on the other hand, is about the physical world; it represents the earth and stability,

thus, once again all things balanced and ordained. The use of simple and clean lines, and her romantic elaborate style is a beautiful, contradiction achieved through discipline and dedication. Contemplating Charlita’s work inspires admiration for modern craftsmanship.

Luz Maria Charlita is currently based in Miami, FL (USA) and Madrid, Spain.


In her career as a sculptor, Luz María Charlita has developed projects for large spaces inside and outside buildings and public or private facilities.

Here are some of her urban proposal projects:

Red Moon Project

Barber Motorsport Park, Birmingham, AL (USA)

My proposal consists of a large open sky metal sculpture that will impact the visitors as a red moon phenomenon, creating the transition between the earth and the sky.

A transition space, consisting of a quiet square (plaza) with a water fountain, mirrors and landscaping, for meetings, talks, and meditation among others, will serve as a focal point, of great visual impact from a distance, with the intention of connecting the two simple buildings that are planted there in a large open space.


RED MOON is a large concave metal disc with beautiful textures and patina treatments.

This sculpture includes architectural and landscaping designs, offering a meeting space, and an intimate environment for calm activities.

The work allows flexibility in terms of dimensions for its location inside buildings or open spaces.


Diameter: 27’
Height: 32’ (from the ground)

Download the Full PDF Proposal

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Portfolio 4
Portfolio 5

Hilaturas Project

Weaving is an archetype of life and creation; it represents our destiny, constantly spinning spindles.

The aforementioned is the point of departure for

“HILATURAS” when my soul has found a combination of lines that are woven through a quiet introspection that is simply wonderful.

This new creative direction emerges from my ongoing search for the conjunction of elements such as geometry, the square and repetitive strokes that fill a large circle that serves as a focal point. All the aforementioned elements - the figures that are highlighted for their own textures, the colors, and the cascade of protruding wires - are integral to “HILATURAS.”

“HILATURAS” is a meditative experience that allows me to experience a profound sense of introspection and calm.

It is a large polychrome mural whose dimensions can be adapted proportionally to any space. “HILATURAS” incorporates graphic elements, squares and large woven threads that come out of a square in free fall; an essential part of the work.

The Art Pieces

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Portfolio 5

Flùr ∞ Celtic Flower ∞ Project

Inspired by nature, Luz María Charlita creates the art piece "FLÙR", which means flower in the ancient Celtic language.

“FLUR” consists of three parts joined in a pyramidal center, that stands out from the ancestral symbols of the figure "Triquetra", an important icon whose original form was a triangle formed by three chord forms.

The flower is an archetypal figure that means soul, a spiritual center.


“FLUR” can be designed and built for interior and exterior spaces, in various dimensions and materials such as steel corten for a natural oxidized finish, or in different metals that can be treated with a variety of colors.

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Portfolio 5

Rains Project

"Water Allegory, from where I was born…"

As is the case with many of my works, the observation of nature is the inspiration for RAINS.

Thousands of tiny threaded pieces of copper form a cascade of “drops” that forcefully descend like rain.

The innumerable and invisible threads are a metaphor for the copious repetition of raindrops during the arrival of winter that will slowly transform the copper, creating a patina.

…thus is the arrival of the GREEN RAIN.


Movable sculpture created with multiple copper and aluminum rectangles (.59” x 1.18”) assembled by hand and treated individually with an artisanal patina that adds green and turquoise hues. Subsequently, the aforementioned rectangles are threaded individually with nylon of different lengths, suggesting threads of rain, that will be suspended from an acrylic square bar that will be hung from the ceiling. Said mobile sculpture will cast a shadow on the ceiling or wall behind it, depending on the lighting, creating a three-dimensional effect.

Dimensions note: This mobile sculpture – Rains – may be adapted to any space; therefore the dimensions will vary according to the needs of said space.

Copper, aluminum, nylon thread, acrylic and copper staples or crimps.

Cutting, piercing, threading, patina.

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Portfolio 5

Green Man Project

It is the man who lives in the city. It is the pedestrian that walks to freedom, leaving the black niche, oppressed by the city reflected in its various manifestations in the architectural and artistic sculpture collage.

Represented here is the "new man" of the ecological "GREEN" movement.


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Portfolio 4
Portfolio 5

